Wednesday, 30 September 2015

The Next Silence


Final Mudbox

Firstly I choose 'basic head' to model the head

Usually I use all object turn into level 4 after you make the basic shape(level 0/1). 

Basically I also use object sphere to make something.
 Like the teeth, mouth and something else.

The mask is level 4 firstly

 Turn out got a little problem for the detail.
I level it up to level 7(and its make ur laptop not responding for awhile coz the heavyness of ur file)

Then color it.

Click this to see the video

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Week 11 : Ghost

Weekly drawing
Eleventh week is draw a ghost.
Software using : Paint Tool SAI

Week 10 : Disney Character

Weekly drawing
Tenth week is girl draw guy and guy draw girl disney character.
Software using : Paint Tool SAI

Scar from Lion King

Change the hue and saturation

Add shadow


Week 9 : Fave Character

Weekly drawing
Nineth week is Game/Movie/Cartoon fave
Sofware using : Paper, Pencil and Pen, and Paint Tool SAI